Get Involved
Special Events
What’s Going On at Merryman House
Special events are some of the easiest ways to get involved at Merryman House! Whether you are looking to support our fundraisers, help us raise awareness of intimate partner violence and our free and confidential services, or would simply like to share our needs with others, we are glad you are here!

Domestic Violence Education
If you have experienced intimate partner violence and are looking for domestic violence education, you are invited to any of our domestic violence education groups. The events are free, confidential and open to all survivors of intimate partner violence. No need to register! You can find our upcoming dates and locations on Facebook or by calling our hotline.
If you need individualized support and/or are looking to flee an unsafe relationship, please call our 24/7 hotline at 800-585-2686. Current clients can find a full list of support groups and workshops in our Client Portal. Your advocate can give you the login information to the Client Portal.
Fundraising Events

PaDucky Derby
Adopt A Duck. Save A Life.
The Merryman House Domestic Crisis Center will host its 11th Annual PaDucky Derby at Bob Noble Park’s Montgomery Lake in Paducah, KY, in October 2025. All proceeds from the PaDucky Derby fund our mission and help meet the needs of victims of intimate partner abuse and their dependents. Each duck adopted goes directly to saving, building and changing the lives of those affected by domestic violence. Click below to visit our official Race website to learn more!

Shop & Share
Shop & Share is a one-day, statewide donation drive benefitting Merryman House and the other state-designated domestic violence shelters across Kentucky. It is a partnership between the Kentucky First Lady’s Office, Kroger, and ZeroV. During the event, shoppers are asked to shop for what they need and share an item with their local domestic violence program. The event is usually held on the Saturday before the Super Bowl, and we always need a large number of volunteers to help us staff each local Kroger and collect donations!
Community Initiatives

Domestic Violence Awareness Month
October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month, and we would love for you to get involved! Traditionally, DVAM serves to honor victims who have lost their lives to domestic violence, to honor the survivors who have gotten help, and to bring together the community of advocates and allies who fight every day to end domestic violence.
There are various ways you, your civic group/organization, or church can help us raise awareness of the issue and our services in preparation of DVAM and during the month.
In Kentucky, 45% of women and 35% of men will experience physical intimate partner violence and/or rape in their lifetimes. Our family, friends and neighbors deserve better. Please consider stepping up in the fall to help us reach victims who may not know help is out there, to support survivors who are trying to get out or are receiving services, and to support the advocates who provide these essential services. Interested? Email us your information and we will get connected!
The Nehemiah Project
When survivors of domestic violence don’t know where to turn or who to trust, they often turn to the church. Does your church know how to respond properly to them? As a human services/victim services provider, do you know how to collaborate with the church? The Merryman House Spiritual Enrichment Program invites you to The Nehemiah Project, held annually in April.
Past conference themes have been recognizing and responding to domestic violence and child abuse in the church, and the church’s (and providers’) responsibilities thereafter. For more information on MHDCC’s Spiritual Enrichment Program, click here.

Want to help us raise awareness of our services, or encourage others to support survivors with clothing or other gear? Check out our Bonfire store, where a portion of every purchase made goes directly back into our mission!