How We Help

Life-Building Services

Trauma is not healed in a day, but you have already done the hardest part – asking for help. And now, you are not alone. You can expect services that will build up what you will need to restore and restart your life, and you can expect us to advocate for you until you have the resources you need.

Our services fall into three categories: Saving Lives, Building Lives, and Changing Lives. Every client, residential or non-residential, is able to opt into the services they need. You set your goals, and we advocate for you and empower you to achieve them.

Many of our Life-Building Services are made possible through partnerships with the community. Each community partner supports us in different ways: Facilitating classes on campus, donating class materials or making financial contributions to our programs. If you would like to get involved as a community partner, please contact us! There is a place for you!

The below is not a full list of services, but they are some of our most vital and valued by our former and current clients. All of our services are free and confidential.

Domestic Violence Education

The Merryman House provides domestic violence education to the public multiple times monthly. We hope that by providing this information, attendees take away how to safety plan, then move forward and heal. You can find upcoming dates and locations on our Facebook page.

Mental Health Support

Merryman House’s on-site clinical team offers trauma survivors the mental health support they need to deal with the aftermath of their experiences. Clients receive treatment after getting referrals from our advocates.

Support Groups

Merryman House support groups give clients opportunities to express their thoughts and feelings in safe environments. The mantra “You are not alone” comes to life in these safe spaces as survivors can commune with others who have had similar experiences.

Comprehensive Case Management

Our staff looks at each client as an individual and assesses their situation as a whole. Merryman House case management addresses areas such as abuse history and safety needs, health and physical needs, emotional and psychological issues, legal problems, housing, financial issues, job readiness, educational needs, cultural needs, special needs, and more. Once the needs are identified, specialized advocates, case managers, or licensed professionals meet them on our campus.

Children's Services

Clients want to provide safe and loving environments for their children, especially after escaping dangerous situations. The Merryman House offers stability and security for these families while also helping boys and girls heal from their own trauma. We host various programs for children and provide homework assistance, childcare, arts exposure, Christmas parties, and more.

Financial Literacy Classes/Economic Empowerment

Financial barriers are the number one reason victims stay with their abusers. Therefore, financial empowerment is one of the most important services we can provide to break the cycle of abuse. 

Trauma survivors who become self-sufficient feel less dependent upon their abusers and more able to live their lives in freedom. Advocates and community partners work with survivors wherever they are in their financial journeys, whether it is opening a bank account for the first time, taking care of outstanding debt, or saving and budgeting for a new home.

Spiritual Enrichment Program

Privately funded through an anonymous donor, the Carson-Myre Charitable Foundation and the Ray & Kay Eckstein Charitable Trust, the Spiritual Enrichment Program offers an avenue for survivors to reconnect with or find their faith in Christ. The program is voluntary, like all of our services, and offers faith-based connection, support groups and church referrals to our clients. The program also offers specialized trainings to church leaders, lay leaders and members about how to identify and respond to abusive relationships and how to set a culture where disclosures of abuse are taken seriously.

Learn more about the program here.


In rural Kentucky, reliable transportation is essential to trauma survivors. It means sustaining a reliable income and having access to medical care, grocery stores and other community resources. Merryman House staff provide transportation and may supply clients with bus passes and taxi fares. If a client has a medical appointment, we may refer them to the Green River Intra-county Transit System (GRITS), which helps supply transportation to the appointment. Medicaid covers the cost for all GRITS services.

At Merryman House, we are building lives because of the support you provide!

Please continue to support us as we support survivors of domestic violence.

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